Thursday, October 18, 2007

Vatican City


Piazza di San Pietro

St. Peter's Basilica

Piazza di San Pietro as viewed from the Basilica

Birds eye view of the piazza

Lookin' good, fellas

Just inside the entryway of St. Peter's Basilica

Main altar

Roof over the main altar

One more interior shot


Another dome

Vatican Museum

Vatican grounds

Sculpture of Roman soldiers

Egyptian mummy

Statue of Hermanubis, a combination of Hermes (Greek mythology) and Anubis (Egyptian mythology)

Babies fighting a crocodile

Severed heads are always cool

Water basin

Bill Clinton?

They were mean bastards back in the day...

The assassination of Julius Caesar

Hall of Maps

I guess they needed 8 ft. tall maps back then

Battle scene

The School of Athens, featuring Plato, Aristotle, Euclid, and Pythagoras

Wildlife paintings

Exit stairway

Some random hall that was roped off to the public

Sistine Chapel with The Last Judgment painting behind the altar

Sistine Chapel ceiling

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